
Growing up in Santa Cruz, I was mostly unaware of our town’s influence within the surf world.  When I started surfing with my uncle around age 12, I vividly recall our early morning surfs in foggy conditions at the Hook.  It felt like another world away driving from the Westside, where I grew up.  During junior high, most of my friend group were bodyboarders and skimboarders, and I started to play around on those boards more often than a surfboard itself. While the Santa Cruz surf scene in the late 90’s and earlier 2000’s was taking the aerial progression and big wave movement (at Mavericks) by storm, I was trading off fun barrels riding a bodyboard at the fickle wedges of Fingerbowl and ITs beach.  In my early 20s, I injured my back and had to step away from riding waves while I healed.  At this time in my life, I just started my love affair with photography, and the scene was set for my two passions to blend.  I embarked on the longest journey, and my love for surf photography was born. 

“The older I get, the more I appreciate this town and how much it has shaped me.  I feel truly fortunate to have been raised here and molded by the beach community I love so dearly.” – Chachi 

Fast forward some 20 years, and here we are.  Santa Cruz is still my home, and surf photography is my chosen profession.  So much of my career and opportunities blossomed because of this beautiful town many of us call home.  There is endless beauty to document up and down the Santa Cruz coastline and the SC Mountains that dramatically rise behind us.  The older I get, the more I appreciate this town and how much it has shaped me.  I feel truly fortunate to have been raised here and molded by the beach community I love so dearly.


There is endless beauty to document up and down the Santa Cruz coastline and the SC Mountains that dramatically rise behind us.”
