Generation NOW


By Autumn Hays
June 5, 2024

Santa Cruz is undergoing a significant transformation as a new wave of female surfers reshapes the surfing scene. This community has experienced a notable increase in young female surfers. Unlike previous years, where there were a few standouts, now there’s an entire group of talented young female surfers. They have forged a tight-knit surf community, supporting each other through the highs and lows of competitive surfing.

Observing their camaraderie demonstrates how they drive each other to improve, both in and out of the water. They showcase the depth of Northern California’s surf talent from the diversity of waves along the Northern California coastline, ranging from point breaks, beach breaks, reef breaks, and slabs, shaping these women into well-rounded surfers. While Southern California remains the surfing epicenter in the state, boasting more contests, industry connections, and sponsors, pursuing an amateur or professional surfing career in NorCal proves to be challenging, requiring numerous sacrifices.

Observing their camaraderie demonstrates how they drive each other to improve, both in and out of the water.

Autumn Hays

This article features only a few of the best that Santa Cruz has to offer. There are so many more in the water charging right now with unique stories, and I can’t wait for Santa Cruz Vibes to showcase more local talent in the future!  

Witnessing these incredible young women juggle school, surfing, and other commitments is genuinely inspiring. Their unwavering dedication shines through as they surf before and after school, training to improve their surfing skills. This commitment is a testament to their love for the sport and an example for aspiring surfers, showing how one can do it all to achieve their dreams. As we look ahead, the future of surfing in Santa Cruz is bright. The inspiring journey of these young female surfers, characterized by their passion and unity, sets the stage for an exciting era in the sport. I eagerly anticipate watching this group of girls carve a career in surfing, paving the way for the next generation of surfers. 

The inspiring journey of these young female surfers, characterized by their passion and unity, sets the stage for an exciting era in the sport.


Riviera Hunter

“Growing up here in Santa Cruz has helped me grow my surfing in all the waves I like, such as bigger waves, barrels, and beach breaks to point breaks. Even though I have to drive somewhere to do a contest, I always end up meeting new people. I love Santa Cruz because of the calm, chill, and exciting vibe!!!”


Q & A with Isla Hardy 

What has surfing taught you about life? 

Isla Surfing has taught me so much and has been one of my best teachers in life. It has taught me patience, resilience, determination, perseverance, to be ambitious, to slow down, and to enjoy the present moment. It has also taught me to respect my elders in and out of the water. 

What do you love most about surfing in SC? 

Isla I love the variety of waves we have here. You can find reef breaks, point breaks, and slabs. We have it all. 

What does surfing mean to you? 

Isla Surfing means being connected to the ocean and God and feeling free. It’s what I love to do and brings me so much joy. 

What are your goals outside of surfing? 

Isla Outside of surfing, my goals are to spread the stoke and be the change. Eventually I want to get my college degree and would love to travel the world.

Isla Hardy

Kaikora Nauenberg

“ I feel so lucky to be growing up in Santa Cruz with an amazing surf community!  As Autumn had said, “Southern California remains the surfing epicenter,” and though that is definitely true, Santa Cruz has way better waves!! Everyone says surfing is an individual sport, but I disagree. I wouldn’t be where I am without my amazing surf community and other surfers pushing me out of my comfort zone. Traveling up and down the coast, I have met many incredible female rippers! When I started surfing, there weren’t too many girls, but those of us who did, we stuck together. I want to call out Autumn; she is one of the biggest reasons all the female surfers in Santa Cruz are together. She showed us friendship and took us young girls under her wing, doing summer surf camps and encouraging us to push the limits whenever we were in the water! Autumn is the most inspiring surfer to me; she was the first female surfer from Santa Cruz to win the Cold Water Classic! Her drive, dedication, and determination make me want to be like her when I’m older!”

I wouldn’t be where I am without my amazing surf community and other surfers pushing me out of my comfort zone.

Kaikora Nauenberg

Kirra Huntress

Age : 13

Born:  in Santa Cruz

Bio: Second place at the USA Prime at Steamer Lane

Loves surfing, skating, golfing, and traveling

Favorite surf spot: “Shh” can’t tell

Favorite Food: Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with caramel sauce

Worst nightmare: The dentist

Biggest dream: Win a world surfing title

Kirra Huntress